Groot in het klein zijn, een super lief bedankje van een kleine garnaal

Een super lief bedankje… Het is altijd fijn om achteraf dit soort feedback te ontvangen! Een lief bedankje wordt altijd op prijs gesteld!

Groot in het klein zijn, een super lief bedankje van een kleine garnaal

Dear Mommy,

I just came back to France and now it’s time thank You again for the wonderful session i had with You. Everything thing has been nice and caring from You and You could definitively be a real Mom for myself !

Of course, i was waiting for a taller and bigger person than myself, i haven’t been deceived. I was really impressed by Your wonderful stature compared to mine.  Everything looks beautiful in You. Never saw more powerful Mom. The fact that You’re older was also a good point as it’s quite impossible to meet such mature tall Mistress in my own country, even if You look… younger than Your age !

Not having any gift

I would like also to be excused for not having any gift and to have been quite stressed too. I think it wasn’t a great idea to come so far after a so long travel with so many transportations and with some agenda to respect too (for myself with colleagues).

It was kind of a mistake of myself to believe it could be easy to do it. Next time, if i’m lucky enough to go back to Holland, i would like to meet You in an easier way to go to You.

It was like a dream

Thanks a lot for Your real Mommy’s attitude. It was like in a dream. Perhaps have You also been too… caring and gentle with myself but it’s always complicated for a sub like me to live the fullest with sometimes opposite desires.

By the way, all You did was perfect and it will be a perfect souvernir. You also gave me a lot of confidence and thank You again for Your nice words. You’re a very pretty person and will I thank many times about this session.

Your little shrimp girl

Meer informatie

MommyDom, wat kan je van deze beleving verwachten?

Lijn Mrs Moriah

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